Friday, September 21, 2007

shame chamber

so doofus refunds me my money, tries to keep the shipping until i yell at him, and all in all i paid 20$ for nothing. So i got a cheap guitar form Target.

im tempted to get this super awesome guitar pedal. its 500$.
im tempted to buy my neighbors exersize machine (300$)

i dunno. i want to work on some projects, but i have no real desk. which means i'd have to build a desk too. then buy parts n tools.

or i can just do nothing. let the money pile up and wonder what to do with myself.

none of it will "make" me happy, but itll help. i miss emily. sometimes i feel like she's the only one who liked me enough to get to know me. of course due to incorrigible geography, she's happier somewhere else...

bah. from a stepped back perspective, life is alright. i work a lot and need to not work so much, but other than that, the only real problem is the lack of any women in my life. oh well. i seriously have no idea what to do anymore.

whatever. back to work.


Anonymous said...

I miss you too. I wish I had zee moneez to come visit, but God said, "No." poo.

But, on the upside, I am happy-ish. I have a swank new apartment (I have a TABLE to eat at! OMG!), they gave me top pay at work so I can keep said apartment, Johnny and I are still together...I'm applying to colleges to get a BA in...something. Life's cool right now, except that you're not here to be my best friend! :(

Anonymous said...

it's definitly NOT 1:02pm...what's wrong with this blogger? it's like 4pm...way off.