Tuesday, December 08, 2009

branches before roots

sometimes i feel like i don't remember the jungle. other times i feel like i need to remember the jungle. its like i don't know my roots. but before i realized i even had roots, before i had the concept of them, i had to realize my similarites with those before me. i liken the feeling of needing to know my roots better like losing feeling in your feet.

it wasn't a problem until it was felt it for the first time. then it was a sudden alarming decision, made hastily and easily by a determined activism promising a renewed relationship with your past.

and if your past, your roots, is an ocean, then your kin are the port you leave from.

i guess. i just want a large, good income while im stuck here on this planet with all you good people immersed in multitudes of assholes.


sometimes its branches before roots.

i have problems finishing things, largely influenced by my lack of focus. i've got to do something about this.

i also want to learn sign language. blew that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Branches before roots, ports before boats

Eli!!! My internet's finally back up! Hazaah! I greatly appreciate the segue you've given me here. As your "semi-kin", I am one of the ports you left from, and as said port, I will be drifting by you soon. (Hopefully, I will be posting on my blog, giving more details).